Debjit Ghosh

Welcome to my digital abode


Robot Operating System

* Introduction to basics
* Creating workspace using catkin
* Creating and adding ROS packages
* Launching ROS nodes
* Package dependencies
* Communication between ROS nodes

* Brief introduction to types of robots
* Simulating physical robots and environments using Gazebo

* Control System (left block of the diagram I have added on confluence)
* Hardware Control Interface

* Building a robot from scratch
* Leveraging the hardware_interface
* Discussion: Building coherent robot software and simulation

Artificial Intelligence

Intelligence - 8 types

What is Artificial Intelligence

Applications of Artificial Intelligence: General

Applications of Artificial Intelligence: Data

Applications of Artificial Intelligence: Robotics


Music: Melody and Rhythm (Carcassi)

Theoretical introduction to music

Get notes from what you had written for Mohit

Applied Mathematics



Plotting functions

Introduction to Statistics

Applied Statistics